Beberapa Nasihat Buat kita semua :)
- If you don`t know where to turn for advice, look inside yourself for
the answers. You have a lot more inner knowledge than you realize, and
you may very well have all the answers to your problems mulling around
in your brain as you read this. Use some meditation techniques or sit
down with a blank piece of paper and begin writing about the first thing
that pops into your head. Before you know it, you`ll feel at peace and
by the end of the day you`ll wonder what all the worry was about in the
first place. #SumberHoroskop
-Never Give Up On What You Really Want to do #DiktatKuliah
-Life Is Not about finding yourself, life is about creating your self :D #DiktatKuliah
-The Person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts #DiktatKuliah
- Allah Memberikan kita cobaan hanya kepada kita yang dianggapnya Tangguh dan kuat untuk menghadapi cobaan tersebut (berbanggalan) #AgungDermawan
- Kita Tidak bisa memperbaiki masa lalu,
Juga tidak bisa memilih masa depan (tanpa usaha)
yang kita bisa lakukan, adalah mengontrol masa kini melakukan yang terbaik #AgungDermawan
1 komentar:
keren nasehat ny,,,hahaha
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